Friday, 17 July 2015

Last day of New York shows, new recording,filming ...the tale thus far….

Last Day of New York shows, new recording and the tale thus far….

and this is a rush job because I have to get to a soundcheck and the breeze is blowing and the sun's shining and its my last night at Joe's of this run, and its been beautiful being there. The staff, the sound and lights, the audiences…..gorgeous….and so many friends have popped by or will pop by tonight. And I've been on the Boardwalk with Pamela Lewis and seen friends and had a ball and after tonight start another chapter which will be in the next photo blog…….so here's the skinny so far…..

Calum Malcolm and I at Sear Sound
I'd spent a weekend after the first couple of brilliant Joe's nights recording in Sear Sound Studios with legendary producer Calum Malcolm at the controls, working with Laurence Hobgood, Michael Olatuja and Wilson Torres on what will become the next CD.

So tonight's the last of the Joe's Pub run and here are some fun things in no order at all.

Tracy Stark and Mike Lunoe outside Joe's Pub
OK and now, I am looking out of my window as I write and I can see the reservoir in Central Park that I only an hour ago ran around, slowly, to be fair, but with joy and zest. I may not be the fastest runner in the world but I am certainly one of the jolliest, spreading song and joie de vivre liberally among all I pass, and all who pass me, which from a running point of view is pretty much everyone else on the running track. Here are the views from the running track this lunchtime -

There have been some gorgeous moments at Joe's Pub with lots of friends dropping by, a handful of them are here -

Dr Thelma Reyes, Tonya Pinkins and I after the Joe's Pub show.

Joey Arias and Earl Dax popped by and one night we had a wonderful dinner, after which we were all in love with life and the city and one another……

Earl looking sultry and Joey and I looking cool despite the humidity and being generally hot…..

One afternoon I recorded a Russian TV show with Oleg Frish. He is a tour do force and no mistake.

Oleg Frish and I at his studios.
There was recording at our album rehearsals for a new TV series over here called The Kate which I'll have a full hour of in the New Year, here's the producer, Jennifer Boyd and I, during a singing break at Michiko Rehearsal Rooms.

Jennifer Boyd, series producer of The Kate, andy I at Michiko Rehearsal Rooms, Midtown.

There have been some nice reviews, too -!Barb-Jungr-Presents-a-Gripping-and-Fun-Hard-Rain-at-Joes-Pub-with-Songs-by-Dylan-and-Cohen/cmbz/55a93b430cf21636d300a172
And now I really do have to run to soundcheck….and sing. Otherwise there'll be no roof over my head nor food on my table…….have a great weekend, I'm going to Minnesota. More of that, next week!

Namaste, y'all, big summer love. Barb