Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Shelter From The Storm is born into the world!

Its here! Its released on friday, 19th February. Shelter From the Storm, Songs of Hope for Troubled Times, comes into being and can be bought from Linn Records at high definition sound and all other levels of sound, by the way, here

Its a plea for Shelter, for us all. Where we find it, and how - how we can exist in these troubled times and find rays of sunshine, glimmers of hope. These things preoccupy me now. In my country I see the dangers of the glittering deceptions of greed and power and what damage they cause. I believe in community. The strength of the bonds that people create and hold together. In the possibility of achievement and hope for all. I believe in equality of opportunity across everything for everyone and in freedom of speech, where speech is used with responsibility for the general good. I believe in access to health care and care for all vulnerable and poor. Now more than ever, we need Shelter from the Storm. The songs are all on that theme. Bali Hai - "some people long for another island, one where they know they would like to be!". The dream of Woodstock shattered and the watchers, watching, All Along The Watchtower. There are three songs written with the beautiful composer and pianist Laurence Hobgood. Venus Rising, Stars Lazy But Shining and Hymn To Nina. I hope you'll enjoy it. There are sound clips on Linn above and I think on Amazon and iTunes.

Here's a clip from The Kate, of Life on Mars live in Connecticut for the upcoming TV PBS series

You can get it from Amazon

and also from iTunes

and HMV

There's a 4 star review here in Jazzwise -

and Alex Ramon's trend setting blog, here

the tour is coming in March - booking now - some tickets still available

And on wednesday next in case you missed the Nina Simone we are doing it at The Orange Tree in Richmond, its selling fast.

So its all go. Hope to see you at one of these shows - all details for all are on the website

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