Monday, 24 March 2014

March 24th and the album's out along with the daffodils!

I walked back though St James Park today and there were so many daffodils. I thought of the Lakes and the way daffodils make the heart sing. Make poets write…..They're so cheery. And they were cheering on the Hard Rain release which is today! Joy of joys. The record on my own label comes out! So, here's bags of news about it all.

We had a wonderful show at the 606 with Simon Wallace on piano and David Mantovani on double bass and Max Petrossi took some wonderful pictures.

The CD's on all kinds of media - for example super duper hi fi freaks who spend more on their equipment than I do on shoes, can download the album at super duper levels from Linn Records High Definition site here

and that's wonderful.

I finished my short story and now the BBC will find someone to read it, (I had some fabulous ideas so I keep my fingers crossed) and there'll be a date in May when the radio'll go on and there it will be. Unfortunately I couldn't think of why George Clooney should read it, sadly. Believe me if I could've I would've.

Today I did one good and one bad direction. I directed the lovely young man in a wheelchair who was en route to the Nigerian Embassy which for some reason is in New Scotland Yard unless he was having me on which is always possible as I've always been incredibly gullible, to the right road. That direction was good. Then some French people - quite old - wanted Twinings (who knows?) and I sent them by accident down the wrong road. So, one good and one bad. The other week I was walking home in the rain and a young couple stopped me looking for a particular hostel nearby - the weather was so very bad (cold cold cold) and they were so wet I couldn't bear it so I walked them there. They were, it transpired, students from Spain and Italy and in love and I always think of all the times I've been in foreign places and people have been brilliant to me. You have to give back. I hope the elderly French people see it that way…..

You can get the new CD on Amazon and its on Spotify and a thing called Deezer and another called Digital 7. Its a whole new world.

This coming week we're playing in Chester at Alexanders, and then I'm in Corby for the weekend. And for anyone who wants to know what I'm doing in Corby - which is tremendously exciting - its this -

So have a great week, and remember, if giving directions, try to think first before you send elderly French people down the wrong road. I have to go because the Archers has started and I shout at the radio when Helen comes on.

Happy spring!

Aloha. Ciao and Namaste.

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