Friday, 4 April 2014

Hard Rain hard road Chester Corby Totnes and more…..

Its been a wild time of travel, workshops and travel, joy and reviews and blog writing and all sorts. I don't mind any of it as the blossom's coming and spring is here and I mediate on life and the universe as my birthday - gasp - approaches - and so much is happening and so many wonderful people pop in and out. Tonight as a for example, the fabulous Gary Williams dropped by for wine and chat and catchup and as always, he was inspiring. Last night I was with Sally my old friend from Stockport and her husband Massimo in South Brent, eating toast at midnight on the edge of the moor and hearing about Simon's annual vegan egg eating departure, last weekend it was Corby…..but lets start at the end with blossom from South Brent this morning.
South Brent on a soft rainy morning

Two pinks together, magnolia and something else. Note to self - listen to Gardener's Question Time more often.  I parked just opposite them last night without even noticing they were there under that sliver of a moon after the show in South Devon Arts Centre. We had all eaten at the Riverside Bistro in Totnes. Here's Sally, Massimo and Simon, just before the dinner arrived.
Sally, Massimo and Simon Wallace
Beside the Riverside Bistro at dusk…...
Last weekend saw the first stage of our big Made in Corby session of Deep Roots Tall Trees with the Royal Philharmonic musicians and team with James Redwood. We worked on songs we've been crafting for the last two years and also, very recently, with musicians from Corby and the orchestra, and tried new structures and choral parts. Gareth Fuller was with us, too. We had a total ball, and lunchtimes were a treat with home made soup from Kate Dyer and cakes made by Anne in the breaks. Good food and new music. Couldn't be/have been, better. (Thanks to Lola, Carol and Deep Roots for the photos)
working in Corby

I had, in between all of that, written a blog of High Fifty, about my trip to Blackpool to see Bob Dylan last November with my mum. That's here -

There have been a ton of recent reviews which are all on the website or on the Facebook pages - here

and now its time to catch up on some sleep before the show in North London tomorrow. Chester, Corby, Devon and North London……we get around……The Beach Boys - always joy……….till next week…….lets get around……..

Sheila on the keyboard James conveying harmony

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